Dr John Sandford-Smith Visit to NCEH
In January of 2024, Dr John Sandford-Smith spent 3 weeks in Tamale, in NCEH. This was his 5th time there. He came here from Burkina Faso where he spent a week in a new Eye Hospital South of Ougadougou training the staff. He spent most of his time in Tamale teaching our staff, seeing complicated patients and also training us in cataract surgery. He also held several lectures to the medical students of Uds (University of Developmental Studies) and trained them in basic eye care and in the use of the Arclight ophthalmoscope. He was instrumental in developing this low cost instrument for developing countries. He is 87 years old but still manages to be an extremely useful member of our African eye care community. He is a great example and a huge inspiration for Eye Care workers in Africa.