Memunatu Fuseini, a resident of Kulnyevila in the Tamale Metropolis, has been living with severe visual impairment (VR-PL and VL-HM) for over a year. Relying on her loving little granddaughter for assistance, even for the simplest tasks like going outside or answering nature’s call, has become a part of her daily life.On June 20, 2024, a beacon of hope arrived in Kulnyevila. The Northern Community Eye Hospital Outreach Screening Team visited the community to identify and address cataract cases. Mma Memunatu, unable to afford a hospital visit and unaware of potential treatments, seized this opportunity for a screening.Her visual impairment not only impacted her life but also heavily affected her granddaughter, who often missed school to assist her grandmother.On June 22, 2024, Mma Memunatu underwent cataract surgery through the Northern Community Eye Hospital Outreach intervention program. Miraculously, she regained her sight, with her vision improving to VR-6/36 and VL-6/60 just one day post-operation. We are hopeful that her vision will continue to improve over the coming week.The joy and excitement radiating from Mma Memunatu Fuseini is indescribable. This transformation is a testament to the belief that sight truly is life.Northern Community Eye Hospital – because we believe in the power of vision.